Day One

Comforting Personality

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 05, 2023 · 09:26 PM

These will be pretty randomly chosen in what I talk about, but today I felt like talking about one of the very first things I noticed about you and really liked.

An aside note, I'm writing this as your plane has landed, and you're going to be heading home soon and probably calling me at some point tonight. I can't wait to see you again in 16 days, and I am so happy you are back in New York!

From the subtitle you probably saw that I will be talking about how comforting you are as a person. From the first day we talked seriously at the SPIA Fountain, I detected such a calming and non-judgemental aura to you that I felt like no matter what I said, you would not view me differently as a person. I appreciate you a lot for that because I know it is true.

You're the first person in my life I really feel like I could tell anything to. You're such a comforting and sweet person to talk to, and I know others know that too because of the conversations you are able to have with others. You're an empathetic (hehe) and kind-hearted individual who is always willing to put others' feelings first (for better or for worse).

Your comforting personality is the whole reason we got as far as we did to begin with. If I detected any sign of judgement or malice, I probably wouldn't have initiated 90% of the things that I did, and I would've been too scared to talk things out with you. But because you are such a listening and caring person, we are deeply in love today because I felt like I could open up with these things to you.

It benefits not just me, but people around you as well. I can tell by the way you talk to people and the conversations you have that it really means a lot to them as well, and it makes you into such an amazing friend for everyone in your life. Although you can sometimes be too nice to people, this part of your personality really makes everyone around you feel loose and really willing to talk about almost everything.

I hope you take pride in how amazing you in this particular area, because it benefits everyone in your life, especially me. You know more about me than any single person could ever know. You are truly the person I have felt the most comfortable talking to, and this was regardless of our relationship status to begin with.

Thank you for being a good listener, a good person to discuss with, and such a kind and warm person!