Day Two


Posted by Nathan Beck on August 06, 2023 · 08:02 PM

You're home! We called a bit last night and you were tired, but I was so happy to see you, and although I was randomly a bit down, you made me feel so much better. Today's topic on what I love is your beautiful smile!

I realized I wanted to talk about this as I mentioned your upper lip falling on top of your lower lip when you smile in a sort of derpy cute way, and I really meant that. You have one of the most heart-warming and comforting smiles I have ever seen!

When you smile, I feel at ease with the world, and I think it just radiates an immense positive energy. You smile with your whole face, your cheeks get really big and cute and squishable, and your dimple shows. I love looking back at all the pictures I have of you smiling, because your smile is so genuine and beautiful.

You're terrible at giving disingenuous smiles, which is something I like. It's very difficult for you to smile when you're not actually feeling happy, which is why it's so easy for me to feel happy when you smile, it is because you really are happy and cheerful when you are smiling. I love how your face lights up when I do something you find cute and adorable and you just sit there and smile, and I can't wait to see the smile on your face as you read this (or maybe cry who knows).

I think if there's anything I'd want to look at for the rest of my life, it would be you smiling. No matter what would happen in my life, I know I could look at you smiling at me and know things were going to be okay. I really do love seeing your smile at the end of any conversation, especially tough ones we have.

I really cannot wait to get so many photos with you smiling in it, and you will soon learn that I'm a bit of a candid photo taker, so any chance I get where you're smiling and being a lil cute goofy, I will be taking a photo and cherishing it forever.

When the sun finally dies and there's no more heat in the world, they should really just ask you to smile and that should be enough to heat up the earth. You give off so much warmth and happiness with your smile, I am going to love your smile forever.

Anyways, that's today's mini-rant about what I love about you!