Day Three


Posted by Nathan Beck on August 07, 2023 · 03:33 AM

I'm writing this in the early morning after calling you! Today's topic of discussion is something that is a blessing to my ears, your laugh!

I absolutely adore how your laugh can range in speed from slow and controlled to uncontrollable and so high pitched. Your little giggles are so cute and every time I make you laugh I know that I said something good. I love being able to be goofy and do stupid things in order to make you laugh, or sometimes it will be nothing at all and I'll just be sitting still and you'll give me one of your trademarked sweet giggles.

All your laugh makes me want to do is smile and laugh with you, and to make you keep laughing by keep being dumb and goofy. I think if I was truly down in the dumps and very sad, a few laughs from you would make me feel so much better. It's like a magical sound that surpasses all happy music by far.

It's truly contagious like I've sort of hinted at, because every time I hear it, I really just want to laugh with you and smile. It reminds me of how good the world can actually be, and how perfect and sweet you are.

If I could just have your laugh as a three minute track on local Spotify files, I would have that on loop throughout my entire day to provide me with insane amounts of serotonin. Maybe for my birthday you can record that for me hehe

Anyways, there's the end of today's mini-rant about your laugh! I think it is so cute and sweet and I really just want to hear it for the rest of my life.