Day Four


Posted by Nathan Beck on August 08, 2023 · 08:57 PM

You've just finished up your father's day dinner as I am writing this, and today's entry is about your beautiful hair!

Your hair looks AMAZING Tiffany. The way you keep it slightly curled at the ends and the way it falls over your shoulders is so cute. It looks so healthy and so beautiful, and I love the color of your hair as well, it really suits you and fits your personality and looks.

In the sunlight, it looks so GORGEOUS. It's such a wonderful brown and it complements your skin so well, and the way it is parted is just perfect. I want to just sit and play with your hair for hours on end, and hopefully I can learn how to braid it too so I can have fun with that as well.

I've seen your hair when it has been more straightened, and it is perfect then as well. I've seen your hair when it's wet, and somehow you still are the most attractive woman in the world. When it's braided, you look so adorable and happy, and I just want to kiss you so badly.

Your hair even looks like it fits well when you have a hat on, and I love your hair in a ponytail, as even my dream self talked about how it bounces a little and is adorable. I love your hair when you have it up in a bun in the back, and your bangs just fall in front of your face so that I can just move them behind your ears with my hands. I miss that a lot and cannot wait to do that (and have hopefully done it by the time you read this).

Your hair is perfect, your hair is beautiful, your hair is so you, and I love all of it!