Day Five

Conversation Style

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 09, 2023 · 10:34 PM

I'm writing this now while you're in a call with Kristina!

Today's topic of discussion is our conversation style.

I've talked about this many times with you, but something I really appreciate is the dynamic style of conversation we can have. I love being able to make stupid and inappropriate jokes with you and make you laugh and then suddenly transition to talking about something serious with a business-like demeanor.

Some people can't handle serious conversations, and even fewer people can handle a business-like conversation. What I'm so happy about is the fact that we are able to have that sort of down-to-earth and factual, super communicative style, because it benefits everyone involved.

I think the thing we originally bonded on first as a giant compatibility was the fact that we both were so good with having these business-like conversations. I'm still so thankful for it because sometimes it is hard to put aside emotions, and I still find it hard sometimes as well. However, this conversation style makes me easily feel like I can just focus on what is important which is really the content of the situation and conversation, and I am glad that we are able to do this with each other.

I love how we can both tell stories and recount our days, as it makes me so happy being in sync not just with our days, but with our lives in general. I can't tell you how much it means to me to feel like I'm fully immersed in your life. I really enjoy knowing everything I can about you and what you're up to!

Anyways, that's what I love about your conversation style!