Day Seven


Posted by Nathan Beck on August 11, 2023 · 07:21 PM

I am typing this one at the end of a long day with a near-death experience, a disagreement with you in the morning right before a long day where you were gone, and where you're eating right now with your siblings.

Today, I wanted to talk about your reassurance.

I'm not perfect. All the time, I make mistakes, say wrong things, act the wrong way, and many more. At the end of all of it, you somehow love me so much still. It's at these times I show such a large display of imperfection and insecurities that your reassurance shines. We talk it out, we apologize, and at the end of it all, you tell me you still think I'm perfect.

When I don't feel like I look good, you're the first person to come to my defense and praise me and reassure me. It's honestly hard to feel too insecure after all of it when you're as loving and reassuring as you are.

You reassure me about insecurities that I shouldn't have, about feelings I can't control, about literally everything that you don't ever have to reassure me for, you do.

It actually is so insane how willing you are to reassure me. I know some of these things are really not insecurities I should have or even be thinking and that there is no base to them. That doesn't matter to you and you always talk things out to the largest extent to make me feel comfortable and safe and secure.

You make me feel so attractive, so secure, and so loved, all of the time.

Thank you for being extremely reassuring. That's the end!