Day Eight


Posted by Nathan Beck on August 12, 2023 · 06:23 PM

I'm writing this right now while you're at your aunt's eating dinner! Today's topic of conversation is your voice.

You're sending me voice memos right now, talking to me about what's going on and correcting my Chinese (which I am so thankful for), and it makes me realize just how much I love your voice and how I love all the dynamic parts of it.

Your default voice you talk to me and others in is such a nice and smooth voice, you sound well-mannered and calm and really excited to talk and speak to others. Your more cutesy voice when you're complaining to your mother or whining to me or talking to your imaginary audience is absolutely heart-melting. I'm saying every time I hear it, I just actually am the human representation of the pleading emoji.

You actually have a really beautiful singing voice as well, by the way, which I know you probably don't agree with but I actually remember hearing it for the first time when we were in JRR together, and I still think you genuinely have a wonderful voice that I want to hear constantly all the time.

Your voice memos genuinely make me smile and I am overwhelmed with positive emotions every time I hear them. Whether it's you speaking in Chinese or just telling me about something that happened that you don't wanna type out, the voice message attachment notification actually lights up my eyes, I hope you get to see what that looks like when we're together.

So, keep talking to me! It's music to my ears, and I love your voice. That's the end of this entry!