Day Nine

Little Things

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 13, 2023 · 06:45 PM

I'm writing this right after we spent the whole first part of the day on call, deciding my Chinese name and settling on 貝內文, which I honestly like a lot. It brings me to today's thing I love about you, which is the caring about small things!

I love the fact that for hours on end, we can talk about the most minuscule and objectively small points about our lives as if they are large stories. I love that because I honestly do value all of those the same as well, and I am so happy you do too! It allows me to share tiny parts of my day with you and hear about the finer details of yours, which makes me feel really in sync with you and connected.

If I can't spend my time with you, I'd rather spend my time hearing about all the little things that happened or are happening to you. They make me happy, and I know how much joy you take from them.

For example, like I mentioned, we spent over an hour deciding on a Chinese name for myself, so it may or may not be easier for your parents to communicate with me. You put so much thought and effort into such a small detail in our larger life, and I am so thankful that you do that.

Another point that I wanted to talk about here was the fact that you painstakingly respond to every message I send you regardless of how many messages I send you or how dense the content is, it really is amazing how much commitment you have to every single small thing that I mention, and I am very thankful for it.

I am so in love with this part of you, and that's the end of the entry!