Day Ten

Steadfast Dedication

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 14, 2023 · 07:38 PM

I'm writing this right now after I've eaten dinner, and you're eating dinner after picking up some soup from your second aunt. I think this one might be a bit more long-winded, so bear with me!

Today's topic of conversation is your dedication.

Tiffany, there is not a single person I've met who is more dedicated to their work, their friends, their family, and their love life than you. Somehow, you manage to keep your priorities in line with all of them.

We had a rough night last night where a lot of my deep-rooted insecurities showed up. We had a bit of a spell where we were not on the same page and we were talking to each other in not the best mood. However, at the end of the night, you were nothing short of purely dedicated. No matter the insecurities I have and the things I've said, you are always willing to let me try to change for our relationship.

Your dedication to your work is great! You are driven and spend a lot of your time doing your work, and you care about it a lot. This is part of the reason why I feel like I am so confident in whatever future you pick for yourself because no matter what you pick, you're going to put all your effort into it and all of your willpower, and you will succeed because of that. Sometimes we both will fall short of what we hoped to achieve through dedication to work. That's no matter to me; you try your best in every single thing you do, and that's honestly what matters the most for your future.

Your dedication to your friends is so wholesome. You talked about how you'd bring any of your friends soup when they were sick, and how you would pretty much be willing to drop everything for people in order to help them, and this has been demonstrated in your past and in the present. You are an amazing friend, and anyone who is your friend should be thankful because they have such a caring and dedicated friend to back them up.

Your dedication to your family is also amazing. I can only imagine how much is put on you sometimes when you need to translate things for family or their friends, or when your mother wants to call you and talk about her feelings and emotions. You handle all of it with such steadfast dedication to your family and unfaltering loyalty to them. You are a sweet and caring daughter, and you will be loved and appreciated in my family as well because I promise you all your in-laws will love you.

Finally, you have such a strong dedication to our relationship and love life. I have to just thank you for this because I know it's hard to transition from being pretty single or in a bad relationship to one in which there are expectations, commitments, and a large weight of seriousness. Your dedication shows in the hours-long conversations we have, in the little voice memos you send me, in the pictures you take, in the things you tell me, in the ways you compliment me, and in your actions. You are genuinely such an amazing girlfriend, and I am so thankful to have you. I believe because we are both very dedicated to making this relationship work from the start, we are going to have a long and successful future with each other, and I am so excited to face it with you.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say for tonight. I think this took me exactly 20 minutes to type out, which is honestly more thought and time I put into parts of my essays for school.