Day Eleven

Impressed By You

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 15, 2023 · 09:57 PM

I am writing this while you are calling Kristina tonight!

We talked earlier today about how you couldn't think of anything else I could possibly be impressed by from you, to which I responded with just a few things.

However, let's really talk about what I'm impressed by from you.

There are the obvious things: your dedication to school, your dedication to your friends, your dedication in general. Yes, you heard a lot of that in the last entry. But let me be absolutely real with you about how I think of your life right now.

Tiffany, you're a first generation college student navigating Princeton after having graduated from one of the top 50 high schools in the nation. You came back to America not knowing English, learning it as a second language to which you are now extremely proficient in. Not only that, but your parents don't speak English, so what do you do? You help them at every moment you get, translating documents for them, reading things for them, help them cancel subscriptions, etc.

Next up, you're pursuing pre-med at quite literally the best school in America, as well as one of the most demanding and challenging ones as well. Not only have you survived two years of it so far, but you've survived organic chemistry, you're going to survive physics, and you've done all of this while being highly involved in several clubs, hanging out with your friends, taking care of yourself as much as possible, and you've done all of it while under the overwhelming stress of not knowing if this is what you even want to pursue.

You are extremely kind to those around you, completely empathetic and understanding to all points of view, and such a patient and kind soul. You did all of the above, and still stayed up talking to your friends when they have crises, helping them walk through it. You've done the same for me too. Whenever I have issues or problems, you talk about them with me for a long time until I am happy with the answer or understand better than I did before.

You have such a joyful demeanor around you at all times regardless of what is going on in your life.

If that's not impressive, I don't know what the hell is then. I'm impressed not only by what you do now, but what you HAVE accomplished thus far, and knowing your life story just makes me even more impressed by you. You are an impressive woman.