Day Twelve

Photos You Send

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 16, 2023 · 08:46 PM

I'm writing this right now as you've probably fallen asleep after a long day with your family in New York City.

Today is a smaller thing to talk about, but I really love every single one of the photos you send me!

Throughout the day with your family, and generally when you're out and about, or even when you're at home not really doing anything, you send me various pictures. The pictures can range from a picture of Kuku sleeping to a beautiful mirror selfie in a restaurant bathroom where you're responding to all my texts fast, or gorgeous skyline pictures of the city and the things you find interesting.

What I love about it is a few main things. One is the fact that you're sharing occurrences in your life with me! I love seeing absolutely everything you do, big or small, because all of it matters to me a lot, and I adore knowing what you are up to. It makes me feel in sync, it makes me feel connected, and it makes me feel happy.

Second is the fact that you send the photos to me because you think of me and want to send them to me. I am so honored to be sometimes the first and only thought when you look at something, and when you decide to share that thing you've looked at with me, I feel so much love from you.

Every photo you send me is special to me and I am so happy when you decide to spam me with photos, because to me it's not spam, it's your life and I enjoy consuming that content!