Day Fifteen

Being Yours

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 19, 2023 · 11:12 PM

I just finished doing some annotations and you're helping your sister with laundry right now! Today's topic of discussion is going to be how you make me feel when you call me yours!

There is absolutely nothing I love more in our relationship than being called yours. This was always something I wished for previously, but something you give me so willingly without me prompting you at all. So many times I will just send you a picture and you will just say out of nowhere that I am yours and belong to you. While this is absolutely true, I don't really think you know how much it means to me just hearing it randomly all of the time.

I have a weird thing for that type of protectiveness and ownership on some level, which is really that I adore protecting and saying you're mine just as much as I adore hearing that you'll be protective over me and that I am yours. It never fails to bring a smile to my face just because those words really just speak to me on such a deep level that you know yourself that I am yours and yours alone forever.

You're the type of person who wouldn't say something like that unless they truly believed it, and it makes me so happy that you truly believe in it. Isn't it crazy how we've come so far to know for a fact that we belong to each other for the rest of our lives? I'm so happy that we've broken down your walls and that we have built something truly wonderful together.

Anyways, that's the end of my mini-rant about how much I absolutely adore being called yours, and how I will want to be yours for the rest of our lives.