Day Fourteen

Inclusion of Me

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 19, 2023 · 12:04 AM

I am currently writing this as you're cleaning your room before your in-laws come over to eat tomorrow!

I wanted to talk about something that was relevant to me today and something I appreciate a ton about you that I feel like I thank you for anyways but maybe doesn't get as much recognition as I want it to, which is your kind inclusion of me into your everyday life.

Whether it's because you sometimes don't like making decisions or just like my input (or even both), I really love the fact that you will ask me what you should do in certain circumstances, or like today, you let me choose and give my opinion on the color hair dye you were getting.

These are ultimately decisions of your own that I technically don't need to give any input on, but you know I'm an opinionated man and I appreciate you letting me give my opinion on certain matters and valuing it so highly. Now whenever I look at your dyed hair (that you're doing tomorrow morning), I will think "Hey, I helped pick it out!" and just be amazed by your beauty once again.

Maybe this sort of thing seems pretty standard or logical to you, to offer to take my opinion on things or to hear me out. Regardless, I think it doesn't get enough praise and attention for you actually doing it that I want it to. I am so glad you include me in this way and it makes me feel so valued in every aspect. Come to think of it, I really should just write an entry about how valued you make me feel in general, because it's actually insane how important I feel both to you and to this relationship.

Anyways, thank you for including me in some of your life decisions and for valuing my opinion, you're the best and I appreciate it more than I can put into words.