Day Sixteen

Your Excitement

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 20, 2023 · 04:23 PM

Tomorrow is the day I finally get to see you! I thought it was fitting today to talk about how much I love your excitement.

You are such a good hype person for literally anything. Whether it is how I look, how I dress, meeting each other again for the first time in months, or absolutely anything, you bring a lot of excitement to the table that makes me feel so excited and happy as well for whatever you are talking about. You have such high energy levels for these things and it is so adorable how much thought you put into these things in your head, and it really just shows how much you care about whatever in particular you are talking about.

You get so excited about my dogs, about the cats in Diane's house, and about everything that generally makes you happy. It makes it really hard to be low energy about these things, because it feels so natural to just want to match your excitement and happiness levels for these things. This is really just an elaborate way to say you're very uplifting person to me and everyone around you, I know everyone adores and loves your energy just as much as I do, and I know they appreciate it, but maybe not as much as I do.

Either way, you're an extremely happy person, and that in turn feeds into my happiness and excitement, and it creates a nice little feedback loop that I love. Thank you for being such a hype and exciting person Tiffy!