Day Seventeen

Willingness to Help

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 21, 2023 · 07:14 AM

I'm about to fly and go see you today baby! I am so excited to see you, and just as excited to talk about suc an amazing characteristic you have, which is your insane willingness to help and do things for my own benefit.

I cannot understate how thankful I am that you are coming on a long journey to come and see me for an entire day. I am so grateful to you that you not only want to see me exactly when I am about to move in, but that you are also very willing to help me move in as well. You are such an amazing and willing to help person that I know you would drop everything to help any of your friends, which is something I can relate to and something I really admire about you.

Not only that, but you're ridiculously willing to help with absolutely every end of things. Regardless of how it made me feel, I remember when you first offered to help me pay for things. I was honestly quite taken aback just from the fact that you were so willing and serious to help me pay for something that had been troubling me just so that I could feel a bit better. This is something I often offer to other people as well especially for meals, but I never expected to find it in you too that you were so ready to just drop money to make me feel better. I am extremely honored that you would do that for me, but let's wait until we're a bit further into our relationship and out of college!

You're an extremely kind and self-sacrificing person, and I really appreciate what you have done for me and what you will do for me.