Day Nineteen

Talking With Your Friends

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 23, 2023 · 10:44 PM

You know right now that I am doing something related to your birthday, but you could not have possibly guessed I was going to do this. Haha! Anyways, I am going to talk about something that I really like that you do and tell me about, which is telling your friends about me.

At first, I was worried you'd feel too weird to tell any of your friends about me. The one conversation we had near the beginning of us talking troubled me a little at the time, but after discussing and coming to a conclusion that night, I felt better about it.

Looking at it now, you've been so excited to tell all of your friends about it. You've told Kristina, you've told Tiffany, you've told your middle school friends, and even now, Kristina's mom and sister know. Hearing what you have to say about me is so nice to hear, because it does feel different from when you are just telling me all the things you love about me. You're telling your personal friends all the things you love about me, and I get to hear their reactions and you get to be excited about me.

Also, I must say I do enjoy earning the instant brownie points with everyone for attempting to learn Chinese. I am happy at least that they appreciate it like you do, and that they sort of understand moreso the level of commitment I have to you, because I would not do this for anyone I don't feel confident in.

Thank you for being so willing to rant and rave about me, I am so happy that you have only good things to say about me and that you are very willing to tell all your friends about me!