Day Twenty

Doing What You Say

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 24, 2023 · 10:25 PM

Today is something I wanted to just appreciate about you, which is the fact that you really just do everything you say you're going to do. The freshman move in tomorrow, so I gotta make sure to get to bed not too late after this.

One thing I've always liked about you is how you really just do everything you promise you will do. When I send you songs, you listen to the songs. When I told you to watch Breaking Bad, you went and you watched Breaking Bad with me. It's actually not as common as you would think about people doing what they say they're going to do, people usually just promise one thing and then do another.

You genuinely care about the things I talk about, you and do the things you tell me you're going to. It's always so amazing for me honestly when I stalk your LastFM and see you listening to some songs that I told you about a few days before or that I've played for you before.

Honestly, this is a shorter one, but I felt like I just wanted to point it out because it's something I actually really appreciate a lot!