Day Twenty-One

Your Giving Love Language

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 25, 2023 · 11:35 PM

I haven't even really received many gifts from you yet, but you just mentioned that you got me nice nail clippers that you're going to give to me when I see you in six days!

However, I do think your love language of gift giving / doing things for others in the form of giving is something that is really admirable. For example, your love of sketching little doodles like the first time you drew me poking your cheeks and squishing them, and drew the little pictures of laptop pictures I sent you at the beginning of work.

It honestly is really adorable, and I appreciate all of it. I hope you enjoy my gift when I give it to you! All of your gifts are so well thought out and really thoughtful to other people and I really think you should take pride in how good you are at giving things to people and picking out things they would like, or even just doing little things.

It's also been an extremely long day with move in happening and everything, so I'm exhausted but I am so happy to hear that you picked stuff out from me that you knew I mentioned in passing that would be cool. You're an amazing person and such a beautiful soul, thank you for being so thoughtful with your gift giving.