Day Twenty-Six

Frequency of The Three Words

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 30, 2023 · 08:46 PM

I'm writing this while waiting to go on call with Adwoa, and then hopefully we will be able to call to talk about our day tomorrow which I am super excited for! Today, I just wanted to talk to you about how much I love that you love saying "I love you."

Those three words mean so much to me, so much more than you will ever know. I am truly a big fan of words of affirmation right after physical touch, so hearing it from you is just like receiving a nice kiss from you. I love hearing the words all the time, not because I forget or anything, but because I genuinely think I've met the person who loves saying it just as much as me.

I had been waiting so long to hear them from you, and you warned me in advance that you were going to be saying those words all the time to me and that I would probably be sick of them. Luckily for you, there is literally zero possible chance I will ever get tired of hearing them.

So please, every time you get the urge to say it to me, please say it to me. You will never bother me by saying it, and saying it only makes me feel warm and happy and loved by you.