Day Twenty-Seven

Public Display of Affection

Posted by Nathan Beck on August 31, 2023 · 09:11 PM

Writing this on the train back right now after one of the best days I have had in a very long time. Today, I just wanted to talk about something I originally hated, then was okay with conceptually, and now am an extremely big fan of, which is PDA.

I'll be totally honest, I thought I was just gonna be chill with you holding my hands and that would be it, and maybe some light kissing and hugs. I had in my head that I didn't wanna weird anyone out around us, but then realized that honestly, I don't really care and neither do they if it's to a certain extent.

With you, I don't feel awkward about kissing you or holding you tight to me or displaying so much affection toward you, and I think that is because I am truly comfortable with being seen with you anywhere. It is amazing that this is how I feel, because I really was never a big fan of PDA until you. You must've flipped a switch in my head.

I love holding your hand, I love kissing your cheek, kissing your lips, grabbing your side, holding you close to me, and everything else that we could possibly do, because I love you. I love you so much that I really don't mind that others know that we are really in love. Thank you for making my affection transfer over in public as well, it's an amazing accomplishment truly and you should be proud of yourself.