Day Twenty-Eight

Free Flow Appreciation

Posted by Nathan Beck on September 01, 2023 · 11:31 PM

I'm writing this while you're in the shower and I am honestly feeling a bit down. The wonderful part though is I get to see you for sure at the end of tomorrow, and even get to sleep with you. Tonight is going to be a little different but I think I will be feeling better by the time I'm done writing this. I'm just going to start writing things about you and take it from there.

I love the fact that you are willing to call me so much and dedicate your time to talking with me both in my down time and while I'm on my way to do something. I loved the fact that I got to call you on my journey to Service Point, and then on my journey to the CJL where I got redirected, and honestly just being with me in all of those journeys because I appreciate your company and your commentary, and just that you are willing to sit in on those boring parts of my life.

I love how much you really care about getting the details and responding to things. The fact that you couldn't call and that you instead asked for audio messages instead so that you could still listen to me talk and hear me rant about whatever is really heartwarming and just a testament to how much you really care about everything. I know that you take great care in responding to a lot of people, but I am especially thankful that you are very caring in the way you ask me to talk about things.

I love how you easily just step back from things, when I'm feeling down or when you're feeling down, you step back and just talk to me about random things just to acknowledge without saying anything that our relationship is important and that whatever is going on that is dampening us is just temporarily, and what's important is that we keep our cute flow that we have going on.

I love how understanding and caring you are with all of my feelings and thoughts, and how willing you are to listen and try to implement change when it is needed. I know we had a rough discussion last night, but honestly my main takeaway was just that you are such a perfect woman in how understanding you are and how much you are willing to think things through and talk things out with me no matter how hard the subject.

I love you Tiffany. I love the texts we send in the morning, the updates throughout the day, the little calls we give, the troubles we go through, the feelings we feel together, the moments we share, the relationship we have, and really everything else in between. Honestly this is more like my journal for this day than anything, because I honestly do feel better right now than I did before, and can't wait to call you soon when you're done drying your hair and everything.

Also I know this one is long but wow! It's September already! Your birthday is in four days, and I am over the moon because I get to see you tomorrow and I get to give you this website soon. I've been working on it for so long, I hope you've been enjoying every entry so far and I hope you like how much thought I've put into this. 我好愛你寶貝.