Day Thirty-One

Attention to Comfort

Posted by Nathan Beck on September 04, 2023 · 11:35 PM

You haven't seen me, but I am typing this while at your party while you are drinking and getting ready to turn 21. I wanted to just note how much I appreciated the things you've done for me tonight that I noticed while there and wanted to take note of.

First, I know you didn't start drinking until I got there. That wasn't something I made entirely clear, but you took the action to do that first out of the possibility that it would make me feel more comfortable. You made it entirely clear for the first half of the night that whatever you were drinking was water, even though I was not asking you what it was.

When you did start drinking, you sent me how many shots you had taken and how that was going, and you also had made it clear to all your friends that we were a thing. That was something I didn't expect as much, and I was very happy to hear that you did this. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you (willingly or not) took the steps to inform all your friends so that I really don't feel awkward or left out, and you could treat me how you wanted to anyways.

You really are the best at just trying to make me comfortable in every way possible, and it's the sweetest thing ever and I appreciate it a lot. I can't wait for you to turn 21, and I can't wait for you to see the final entry tomorrow!